Saturday, November 13, 2010

Drexel's Birth - November 10, 2010

Josh called us at 6:00 on Wednesday night, November 10th, and said Heather was in labor at McKay Dee, so we headed up to the hospital. When we got there, we met most of Heather's family down in the lobby. They told us she was dilated to a six and the baby's heart rate kept dropping, possibly because the cord was wrapped around his neck. The worst case scenario was a c-section, but they had her on her side and were watching her closely. We went up to her room and found her happy, feeling no pain, but watching the heart rate closely on the monitor.

The next time the nurse came in to check her, she was at a ten and ready to go. The doctor arrived quickly and our cute Drexel Hawk Freeman was born.

He weighed 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and was 20 " long.

He was born at 9:08 p.m.

We were all amazed at how much he looks exactly like Dash.

It looks like no one knows what to think, but they were all very excited. (Well, maybe not Dash!)

Diesel's thinking, "Wow, I have another brother to take care of. COOL!"

So Cute!

Proud parents!

Josh and Grandpa Norm getting a closer look.

Snuggling with mommy!

This makes our 27th grandchild. As far as we know, no one else is pregnant so we won't miss any births while we are in Russia. But we WILL miss all of our darling grandchildren. Thank heavens we have SKYPE so we can watch them grow.

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