Saturday, November 27, 2010

GOODBYE SEQUOIA - My best friend!

Part of our getting ready to go on our mission was selling my car. Oh, what a sad day. It feels like I've lost my best friend. I LOVED my car. It was my "Grandma" car.

This was just another of the miracles that have happened since we got our call. The car sold on the first day for top dollar. We had lots of people call, come look and say they wanted it, and it came down to the first person with the money got the car. What a "painful blessing". After I waved goodbye, I went in the house and cried. Actually while I was signing the papers, I was crying. How lame to be so attached to a car. Oh well! Moving forward! Now, back to packing and cleaning.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grey Noah McHenry - Baptism Day

We made a quick trip to San Diego to be at Grey's baptism.

The grandkids waiting for Grey and Kory to go into the water.

Shanda, Kory and Grey

The McHenry Family

Grey with his two grandmas.
(Michele Frost and Betty McHenry)

Drexel's Birth - November 10, 2010

Josh called us at 6:00 on Wednesday night, November 10th, and said Heather was in labor at McKay Dee, so we headed up to the hospital. When we got there, we met most of Heather's family down in the lobby. They told us she was dilated to a six and the baby's heart rate kept dropping, possibly because the cord was wrapped around his neck. The worst case scenario was a c-section, but they had her on her side and were watching her closely. We went up to her room and found her happy, feeling no pain, but watching the heart rate closely on the monitor.

The next time the nurse came in to check her, she was at a ten and ready to go. The doctor arrived quickly and our cute Drexel Hawk Freeman was born.

He weighed 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and was 20 " long.

He was born at 9:08 p.m.

We were all amazed at how much he looks exactly like Dash.

It looks like no one knows what to think, but they were all very excited. (Well, maybe not Dash!)

Diesel's thinking, "Wow, I have another brother to take care of. COOL!"

So Cute!

Proud parents!

Josh and Grandpa Norm getting a closer look.

Snuggling with mommy!

This makes our 27th grandchild. As far as we know, no one else is pregnant so we won't miss any births while we are in Russia. But we WILL miss all of our darling grandchildren. Thank heavens we have SKYPE so we can watch them grow.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November FHE

This is our November Family Home Evening. It's a soup and salad night - everyone brings their favorite soup or salad. It's always a happy, crazy, loud, messy, fun time.

After eating, we meet together with everyone to have a lesson. This month was Grandpa's turn and he taught everyone how to speak Russian. We taught one word to each person then went around the room, had everyone repeat their word, and they said a prayer in Russian. It's still pretty funny to listen to Norm try to pronounce the words, but since no one knew if it was right or not, it was great!

It's also Norm's 66th birthday - Happy Birthday to You!!!!!! The grandkids think that 66 sounds like a hundred. "Wow, Grandpa is SO OLD!"

One more FHE in December before we leave. This is one of the times we will miss the most!

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

4 Weeks Before We Leave

Our departure date is coming so fast, I'm starting to get nervous. We have been so busy getting ready and I've had several friends want to know what we are doing to prepare. So I'm going to give a little run-down of what we've done so far.

* Send in papers for Visa (it's been two months, we still don't have those back yet.)
* Get all our shots, including Flu Shots (ouch!)
* Buy clothes, wear them once, wash them, put them in the DI pile, buy more clothes.
* Buy shoes, wear them around the house, return them, buy another pair. Repeat 10 times.
* Start tutoring to learn Russian. Skype with Dace (from Latvia) at the MTC.
* Learn how to put pictures on the computer and start a blog.
* Clean out closets and cupboards, make dozens of trips to DI.
* Find a renter for the house. This is not fun! I can't stand the thought of leaving my home in
the hands of strangers. Thank heavens we have wonderful neighbors to keep an eye on it.
* Review chapter one of our Russian lesson. It's pretty hard.
* Keep trying to learn how to add pictures on the computer.
* Join the missionary moms group with Russian Missionaries. Great site!
* Skype with the couples in Russia to learn about the work.
* Hour long phone call with President Woolley in Russia. What a great man!
* Meet Lowrys (the couple we will be replacing) on skype. Get a picture tour of our new
apartment. Love the pink linoleum on the walls.
* Review chapter one of Russian. We're not quite getting it.
* Unload all the food storage that will expire while we are gone.
* Renew our drivers license.
* Renew our credit card to use in Russia.
* Now that it's getting cold here, buy more warm clothes. Rearrange closet to plan and organize
clothes. More trips to DI.
* Review chapter one of Russian. Poor Dace!
* Get released from all 5 callings in the Ward. You seriously have to move to get released in
our Ward.
* Find a storage unit to keep our furniture in while we're gone.
* Sell the car.
* Mail heavy things ahead of time to Russia. $50 for a box the size of a shoe box.
* Review chapter one - start chapter two!
* Build shelves in the storage room and organize junk.
* Sell the fish and drain the fish pond.
* Send Eddie his Christmas package (two months early) and hope he gets it for Christmas.
* Spend time with the kids and grandkids.
* Get in as many parties as possible with friends.
* Forget chapter two, go back to chapter one and "try harder".
* Get a prescription from the doctor for eighteen months of medicine. Buy $500.00 worth of
meds and hope it's enough.
* Start putting clothes in suitcases to see if they will all fit. Rethink the clothes.
* Keep supporting the BYU Cougars. Watch all the Jazz games.
* Listen to Russian learning tapes while driving in the car. Have a melt-down about learning
the language.
* Stop buying food at the grocery store. Try to eat what's in the fridge and cupboards.
* Get birthday cards ready for the grandkids for the first year.
* Plan to celebrate Christmas early.
* Think about Farewell talk.'
* Memorize testimony in Russian. Keep reviewing chapter one.
* Download music on ipod. Buy bigger ipod.
* Try to get more sleep.
* Clean out the garage.
* Winterize the yard. Cut the bushes to stubs so that they won't take over the house while
we're gone.
* Fix the dishwasher, gas fireplace, replace water heater, paint baseboards, paint wall, pack
* Get a blessing to help with the melt-downs.
* Forget chapter one, move to chapter six (on prayer). Pray for a miracle.
* Wash walls, clean carpets, clean toilets. Oh, fix broken toilet.
* Sit on the couch, watch TV, and do nothing.
*Try to convince Dace that we really are trying to learn the language.
* Worry a little more and continue to be soooooo excited to be going to Russia.
* Enjoy the journey!

So, that's kinda what we're doing to get ready to go. It's crazy, but we really are so excited for this experience. We know our lives will be blessed, all will be well with our home, and our families will be blessed while we are gone. This is a dream we have had since we got married 7 years ago and it is actually coming true. We feel so lucky and so blessed to have this opportunity, to have the wonderful supportive family that we have, to have the greatest friends in the world, and especially to belong to this wonderful church. Our love and gratitude for our Savior and his atonement are the driving force behind all that we do. We are so thankful for the Gospel in our lives and the blessings we have received. We love you all. We will keep in touch and relay all that we are experiencing in Russia. Thank you for your love.

Michele and Norm
