Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dear family and friends,

I'm a little late in getting this letter out. I loved this last Conference weekend, but I was exhausted after two days of feeding people ALL day each day. I went to bed last night and crashed.

Back to Conference. I know we are a week behind you (we're actually ahead) but we didn't watch until this week. They set up a TV in the Branch for the members to come and watch both days. It was broadcast in Russian there, so we had people here in our home who wanted to watch it in English. There were so many talks that I loved that it's hard to choose a favorite. Elder Holland is ALWAYS one of my favorites. I love how he explained the way conference works, the process of choosing a subject that needs to apply to every different kind of person throughout the world. No pressure there! And always, there is something that is directed personally to each one of us. I loved Elder Bednar's explanation of the two different types of revelations. The light switch and the rising sun. What a perfect way to explain something that we sometimes don't recognize. I loved all the talks and emphasis on Welfare and Service. "Be kind to the poor". "Service to the poor exhalts the receiver and humbles the giver". My humanitarian trips and this mission have proved that to me over and over. How grateful I am for my life in Utah when I see so much suffering in the rest of the world. And how grateful I am that I am able to do a little something to help ease the burdens of someone else. I loved the reminder that, "Impressions and promptings are revelations from God. Act on them immediately." I'm so guilty of getting a prompting and then talking myself out of doing it before I even try. I very often regret not doing something that I was prompted to do, but my goal is to listen more closely and "do what I'm told". I loved Elder Christofferson's talk about being willing to accept and seek correction. Especially when he said, "Parents can and must correct their chidren's misdeeds". I just want my kids to know that every time I get on your case about something, I'm just following
the counsel of our leaders. Although half of the time I couldn't keep up with him, I loved the talk by Elder Robbins - "To do and to be." I loved when he said we can check off our "to do" lists but we are never done with our "to be" lists. And I just smiled all through President Monson's talk. What a cute, sweet man, and what a wonderful prophet he is. I loved reading his autobiography and getting to know about his life. Elder Holland was so great in his praise of President Monson, who deserved every word of it. He has dedicated and sacrificed so much of his life to this great church and the gospel and is a wonderful example for us all to look up to. There were so many more great talks, so many that were just for me. There are so many ways that I need to improve that I couldn't take it all in, so I'm looking forward to reading them in the Ensign when it comes out.

I feel so blessed to be here, serving a mission in Russia, and hope that my efforts here can earn me another rung on the ladder as I try to serve, and love, and teach people about life, the Gospel, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. What an honor and a privilege this is.

I love you! I miss you! I'm happy! I'm grateful to be here! And I thank you - my family, my friends, and especially my Heavenly Father. Have a great week.

Sister Frost

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